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562 691 7793 + 562 690 9323
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FREE CUP OF COFFEE We're Not Kiddin'!
Get free coffee at Arthur's. All you have to do is bring the cup.
Here's the deal:
You bring us one standard sized coffee mug in good condition, and you get a free cup of
coffee and all the refills you want. We keep the coffee mug.
Here's the rules:
Offer good Monday thru Friday, all year. NOT on weekends. Sorry, weekends are just too busy to mess with this.
Decoration, logos and graphics of any kind are OK.
Coffee mug must be in good condition. No cracks, chips, dents or debris left over from God only knows what you were using it for before you brought it to us. In other words: clean.
Not stolen (bad Karma). We maintain a no questions asked policy, but if you walk in with three cases of mugs emblazoned with the White Hose seal...we're gonna ask.
Coffee mug must be a standard size and shape (see photo above).
Only Ceramic Coffee Mugs apply to this Free Coffee offer. Please do not bring plastic or glass.